Thursday, 4 March 2010

Grounded by fear!

I’ve been hit by both physical and mental lethargy and it is not funny! I feel like fashioning some wire coat hangers to prop myself up but I know that I won’t even have the strength to bend those wires into shape. It is like my real muscles have decided to go on AWOL.

Mentally my level of consciousness is zero. I want to sleep yet I feel too tired to do so! I cannot concentrate (Am I even making sense as I write this!). I cannot think and cannot think out why I am not thinking. O boy, what a mess. I am supposed to be working from home today – you know, articles to write, mails to reply, rooms to tidy, shopping to do (God, I don’t want to be seen by anybody) but what have I done so far? Nothing. My brain is a mush!!

I know what my problem is. I have a mother who is 100 years old but two days ago, started getting weak. I am so far away and can do very little from here. I know that she is in good hands. No, that’s not my worry.

I am just frightened that I might get a bad news. And don’t tell me that she has lived a long life. It is never enough!

1 comment:

wife mother employee friend human said...

Time, no this is never enough.

Somehow when the time for departure arrives, even though we may know this is imminent, shock hits us with it's undeniable rawity.

I may have never met your mom, but this I do know. Her spirit, charm, tenacity, wit, strenth, humanity and the list goes on, lives on through her children. This I know for certain as I have seen the qualities displayed by yourself.

You do her very proud indeed!!!

My grandmother has passed the 98 and half mile and has been such an overwhelming influence on my life, so as I read your blog this morning, so too did the tears flow in empathy.

May you find the strength to take the steps to move forward holding all your moms memories close to your heart.
Let your beautiful smile shine with the joy of her life.