Sunday, 28 September 2008

Here I go!

My head feels heavy all the time. Not because the good Lord got his act wrong and produced a woman with a super-sized cranium. No, the weight is from all the ideas and thoughts it contains. That's the main reason for setting up this blog. To save those who care about me the trouble of having to deal with a messy explosive head on day, I have opted to share my thoughts with the world here. I still don't know what you guys are going to get from me. With time, I might just be able to focus on some topics. But for now, do take me as you see me.

I am a born writer and the fact that I currently have no avenue of letting off steam is a killer. Since I left Saudi Arabia and 'The Arabia Sun', I have been dying to see my name in prints again. That was why I jumped at the chance to prove my mettle when the 'Bournemouth Echo' asked for writers to compete at this year's I'm a Columnist, get me in here. It felt so good when I was announced the overall winner, and even better seeing the published article on Saturday, June 28. I have never had my name written so boldly!

Why Antimuzzy I hear you ask. Well, why not? Muzzy means confused, dazed, blurred, indistinct, etc. Add the anti and you get my drift.

What I ask of you are two things. One is that you let me know what you think of my musing. Secondly please help me to share these thoughts with others.

And so I set out on this journey. Wish me luck and happy reading from me to you.